Street Reconstruction

A dirt road with an excavator on the right. Orange fencing and a cone on the left. The road is completely ripped out to the base.

The City of Edgerton will reconstruct a portion of East 2nd Street and Edgewood beginning in Spring 2025.  We will schedule a public meeting for residents to meet the contractor once selected.

Edgerton has received a $1 million cost-share grant from the Kansas Department of Transportation to help offset the costs of construction.

The E 2nd Street/Edgewood Reconstruction Project includes new pavement, curbs and gutters, stormwater improvements, street lighting and sidewalks. This will be a complete reconstruction, so there will be significant impacts for residents who live along or near E 2nd Street between the Co-Op and Nelson Street and for residents along Edgewood between E 2nd Street and W 4th Street. East 3rd Street from Nelson to Martin will also be reconstructed as part of this project.

All roads will be completely removed and replaced.

Any area that is torn up during construction will be restored to existing or better condition.

Residents that may need special accommodations (like handicap parking, oxygen deliveries, etc.)  during construction should contact Holly Robertson, CIP Project Manager.

Questions about the project?

Contact us or call City Hall at 913-893-6231.


Easement negotiations will conclude on February 14.

Have questions? Need a notary outside of regular business hours? Contact CIP Project Manager Holly Robertson to schedule a time.