The City of Edgerton supports conservation measures to preserve our watershed.
Water is a finite resource, one that we cannot afford to waste. The City of Edgerton is a major contributor to the Hillsdale Watershed Coalition, in furtherance of their mission to clean up and maintain the Hillsdale Lake Watershed. The Coalition has treated close to 2,500 acres to remove chemicals like nitrogen and phosphorous from the water and reduce sedimentation in area lakes and streams.
Edgerton’s development standards require a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that meets the known requirements of
the National and Kansas General Permit. All storm drainage systems and facilities must also meet the requirements set for by the Kansas City Metropolitan chapter of the American Public Works Association Construction and Material Specifications Section 5600 Storm Drainage Systems and Facilities.
Water conservation at home
The City of Edgerton’s water fees are set up to encourage conservation from our residents. Homes that use less water pay less on their monthly water bills.
The City uses Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI) to track water usage. If there is unusual continual flow, personnel from the Edgerton Utilities Department can use this information to alert residents so that they can check for any leaks. This is a free service that the City offers to cut down on water waste.