Lead Service Line Inventory

On December 16, 2021, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) in the Federal Register to protect public health. The City of Edgerton is compliant with the original Lead and Copper Rule and will continue to provide high quality drinking water for our residents.

The EPA is requiring all water systems nationwide to inventory water service lines on both the public and private sections of the line. Every public water system must be able to identify the primary material of each line, specifically if it is lead, galvanized, non-lead (copper or PVC), or unknown.  To fulfill these new federal requirements, the City is asking residents to complete an in-home service line inspection. Please fill out the in-home inspection survey to identify the service line material inside your home. This simple survey should only take a few minutes.

Please review the frequently asked questions listed below. Please contact Holly Robertson, P.E., Capital Improvement Plan Project Manager, at 913-893-6231 or for more information.

A woman holding a glass of water with the words Learn More
A water line with a yellow shut off valve. The words take the survey are underneath