Free chlorine burn ending

Kara BanksCity News

Water sprays from a hydrant in the background. A sign from the City of Edgerton reads “Flushing in Progress”

If you’ve noticed any changes to the smell or taste of your water recently, it should soon be coming to an end. The City of Edgerton is flushing the water lines this week.

For the last month, one of our water suppliers has been conducting a free chlorine burn to eliminate any contaminants that can build up in the system. Flushing and chlorine burns are part of routine distribution system maintenance conducted by utilities to help with disinfection.

The water is safe to consume. Customers may want to let the water run for several minutes or until the water runs clear if they notice any discoloration. Any odor and color issues will subside as the flushing is completed.

Please contact City Hall at 913.893.6231 if you have any questions or concerns about your water. The City of Edgerton appreciates your patience as we work to improve the quality of water for all residents.