Social Media Policy
Posts containing the below mentioned may be removed from the City’s social media:
- Off-topic comments or posts, spam or links to unrelated sites
- Vulgar or profane language or content
- Sexual or obscene posts
- Posts promoting or opposing political campaigns or ballot measures
- Personal attacks against other commenters
- Illegal activities
- Threats of any kind
- Cruelty against animals
- Solicitations of commerce
- Solicitations for donations, except for city-sponsored activities
- Endorsements of any brand name products
- Any information harmful to children
- Posts about alcohol or tobacco or illegal drugs
The City reserves the right to delete posts or comments that are objectionable or offensive in nature, not relevant, or inaccurate. Determination of whether there has been a violation of this policy, and whether any action is warranted, is made at the City’s discretion. Repeat offenders may be banned from all future posts.
Comments from private individuals do not necessarily reflect the values, opinions or policies of the City.
Social media posts will be actively monitored from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Comments submitted outside of those hours will be responded to as early as possible.