Message from Fire Chief Rob Kirk

Kara BanksCity News

April 3, 2020

A message from your Fire Chief –

As we continue to deal with the Covid-19 virus, I want to pass on a few very important messages. In order to keep your First Responders safe with calls continuing to increase, we cannot afford to have any of our firefighters off work or in quarantine.

Please review and be knowledgeable of the following changes:

  1. Please do not approach the First Responder when they arrive. This is VERY IMPORTANT. The majority of first responders will stay outside on non-life threating calls.  We ask that everyone respect at least 10-foot separation. If one firefighter gets sick it affects the entire shift and will leave your fire department short personnel.
  2. They will have Personal Protective Equipment when exiting the emergency vehicle, which includes a mask covering the mouth and nose, safety glasses and gloves. This will be the normal protocol for both medical and fire related calls until further notice.
  3. First Responders may ask the first person contacted at the front door to place a mask on, as well as the patient for your safety and ours. Please comply with their request.
  4. When calling 911, a list of questions has been added to cover Covid-19, please be understanding as they are doing this for our safety. The questions will cover – Temperature >100.4 chills, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, persistent cough, and new respiratory problems?          

We have a great District that is filled with residents who understand the magnitude of this pandemic.

We have not seen the “eye” of the storm yet and it is important that we all do our part to lessen the impact this will have on our community.

Please stay home, enjoy your family and animals. If you must go out, please abide by social distancing and washing your hands. 

Fire Chief,

Rob Kirk