Edgerton City Council members and the public gathered together to cut the ribbon on the renovations at Glendell Acres Park on Saturday, November 9.
The new park features an upgraded all-wheel concrete skatepark, new playground equipment, ninja warrior-style fitness equipment, a paved walking path, and improved stormwater management. The $1.16 million project started in 2021 with construction commencing earlier this year.
The Glendell Acres Park Renovation was specifically designed meet the needs and desires of the community. This inclusive park features recreation opportunities for all ages and abilities. The City held public meetings and gathered input from residents about what they wanted in the new park with over 100 people participating.
“Glendell Acres Park is another opportunity for families of all ages to enjoy a totally upgraded park,” says Mayor Donald Roberts. “We know how important parks are for our city. This park is a place we love and will use to come together for many years to come.”
The renovation was paid for using park impact fees paid by LPKC and a waste tire grant from KDHE for the playground surfacing.