![This image shows a chart of Edgerton's mill levy, which has dropped more than 25% since 2010. In 2010, the mill levy rate was 42.0893. In 2021, it is 30.381. Below the bar chart is a pie chart that shows Edgerton makes up about 20% of your total property tax bill. The rest of your property taxes are split between other jurisdictions, including the County, Gardner Edgerton USD 231, Fire District #1 and others. Below that chart is a box showing "increasing services" The City of Edgerton is increasing services even while dropping the mill levy. We now have a full-time deputy, full-time animal control and codes enforcement, more community events, new recreation programs, railroad quiet zones and more trails, plus increased investment in capital improvement programs. Finally, at the bottom of the infographic, a blue box shows that home values are increasing, which is why property taxes continue to climb. The average Edgerton home value rose 42.3% between 2010-2020. The City alone cannot offset the annual increase in valuation without severely impacting services.](https://edgertonks.org/wp-content/uploads/Understanding-Your-Property-Tax-640x1600.png)
![The Johnson County Kansas logo](https://edgertonks.org/wp-content/uploads/johnson-county-kansas-logo.png)
The City of Edgerton is in Johnson County, Kansas. The County assesses and collects all property taxes. For more details about your property taxes from Johnson County, click here.
The City of Edgerton is in Johnson County, Kansas. The County assesses and collects all property taxes. For more details about your property taxes from Johnson County, click here.