Please Join Us April 4th for the Greenspace Open House!

Kara BanksCity News

Come by Edgerton City Hall Thursday, April 4th, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM for the Edgerton City Hall Open House to help plan the future of the Greenspace.

Maintaining the small-town values is a signature trademark of the residents of Edgerton. As part of the Parks Master Plan, Downtown Edgerton Plan an d Community Surveys, residents expressed interest in the City investing in a new facility as a place for the community to gather and connect with their neighbors. A place to hold community events, both indoor and outdoor, take shelter during an emergency event or hold meetings for local service organizations. A place where families could come to the Greenspace during all seasons to enjoy indoor and outdoor recreation activities.

Downtown Edgerton has long been the place where the community gathers together. Anchored by Edgerton City Hall and the Bank of Knowledge, today Downtown Edgerton provides space for residents of all ages to enjoy opportunities to gather and recreate. Over the years, residents have gathered in the Greenspace to light the Mayor’s Christmas Tree, bid on auction items during Frontier Days or watch a movie with their family under the stars. The City-owned property together with the Greenspace offers space to construct a new venue for the community while building on the synergy from Downtown.

The Edgerton City Council included the construction of a new community facility in Downtown Edgerton as part of the annual capital improvement program. This facility could offer space to host community events such as Senior Lunch or the Visit from Santa, an emergency shelter for use during inclement weather, space for various community groups to hold meetings such as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, sports or recreation area, or even an outdoor multipurpose area to be used as the seasons change. It is likely additional parking downtown would also be needed to support this venue.

Because the space and project budget is limited, the City plans to hold a public open house for residents to provide input on what type of amenities they would prefer in the available space. Please mark your calendar for Thursday, April 4th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Edgerton City Hall. We invite all residents to come, bring your family and friends, your neighbors and community members of all ages, and help plan the future of the Greenspace for the next generation of Edgerton residents.