E-bikes, Electric Scooters allowed on certain Edgerton streets

Kara BanksCity News

Electric bicycles and electric scooters can be ridden on Edgerton city streets after the City Council amended traffic laws during their July 13 meeting.  The move now allows anyone over the age of 14 to ride on streets within corporate City limits with a posted speed limit of 30 mph or lower during daylight hours.

E-bikes and e-scooters are still banned on truck routes, sidewalks, trails and multi-use paths. Riders cannot cross or travel on any interstate, federal or state highway, including U.S. 56.  E-bikes and e-scooters must follow all traffic laws.

Remember to practice safe riding.

  • Keep as far right as possible on roadways
  • Don’t carry more passengers than the bike or scooter is designed to hold
  • Keep hands on handlebars
  • Make sure you’re visible by using reflective tape or reflectors

City Council also amended the City’s standard traffic ordinance to allow children to drive toy vehicles on sidewalks and trails. Toy vehicles have a maximum speed of 5 mph.  Parents must remain within 15 feet of the child and maintain visual sight of the child operating the toy at all times.