Work Begins on New Trail

Kara BanksCity News

Construction on the new pedestrian trail along 56 Highway begins the last week of July. The new asphalt trail will run from 1st Street to 7th Street when fully complete, but work will be broken up into two phases.

The first phase will connect 1st Street to Edgerton Elementary. The second phase runs from the school to 7th Street.

The new trail will drastically improve safety for pedestrians and provide important connections to the businesses along 56 Highway.

This spring, Edgerton City Council members approved a cooperative purchasing agreement with Johnson County from Max Rieke Bros. and Updike Paving Corp for the project. The agreement with Johnson County Parks and Recreation helped defray some of the costs.

“We’re excited to be able to improve safety and walkability for our citizens,” says Public Works Director Dan Merkh.

The project is funded entirely by fees from Logistics Park Kansas City. No general fund dollars will be used.