Envision Edgerton


The City adopted the Envision Edgerton 2050 Comprehensive Plan on April 11, 2024.

A Comprehensive Plan is a document designed to be the guideline for the future growth and actions of a community. It presents a vision for the future with long-range goals, policies, and action items for all activities that affect the community.

City staff worked closely with the consultant, Confluence, Inc., to collect information and feedback from the residents to use their ideas to structure the plan. The input received from the community was used to identify the four major pillars of the Envision Edgerton 2050 Comprehensive Plan, which include the following:

  1. Downtown Edgerton
  2. Housing Diversity
  3. Business Growth
  4. Community Facilities & Infrastructure

Ultimately, staff, the consultant, and the Steering Committee worked to create a list of Goals, Policies, and Action Items for the City to consider when making decisions. The Goals, Policies, and Action Items  are located at the end of their respective Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, as well as a comprehensive list provided at the end of Chapter 7.

If you have additional questions, or would like to learn more about the Envision Edgerton 2050 Comprehensive Plan, please contact Zach Moore, the Development Services Director at 913-893-6231.